
Your 12-Month Checklist Before Buying a Home

Considering the magnitude of the purchase, buying a home requires a lot more than just scoping out a few listing on the internet, scheduling a couple of showings, and slipping in your offer. You’ll need to take your time on this one, and make sure you tick off a bunch of to-do’s before you dive into a home purchase.

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Stats on California’s August Housing Market

The real estate market in California lost a bit of momentum in August as a result of continued issues with housing affordability and a shortage of inventory, according to the California Association of Realtors (CAR). While home sales have managed to stay over the 400,000 pace for five straight months, sales have decreased year-over-year for the sixth month in a row.

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7 Hotel Room Decor Tips to Use in Your Home

Ever noticed that upscale hotel rooms seem to be decorated with great style and flair? That’s because experts in the world of interior design and decor have had their hand at these spaces. Why not take some cues from these pros and bring the hotel experience back to your home? Here are 7 ways to do just that.

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11 Simple Ways to Save Energy and Money at Home

It takes a lot of money to run a home, but you could be spending more money than you really need to. Cutting back on how much energy your home uses can help you shave a huge chunk of money off your monthly utility bills, and it can be a lot easier than you may think. Small changes here and there can really add up to significant savings.

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What Fiduciary Does a Mortgage Broker Have to a Borrower?

Under California law, real estate agents have a fiduciary duty to the buyers and sellers that they represent. That means the agent has a legal obligation to act in the best interest of their clients.

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5 Home Repair Requests That Turn Sellers Off

As a buyer, you’re spending big bucks on a home purchase, so you want to make sure you get everything you rightfully deserve. But the line between this and being greedy and unreasonable can sometimes be blurry. Asking for too much can turn sellers off and out you at risk of losing out on the house.

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INFOGRAPHIC: Interesting Stats About Millennial Buyers

Millennials are currently the largest group of homebuyers out there, and have been for the third year in a row. Making up 35% of the home buying demographic in the US, Generation Y buyers make up more than younger and older baby boomers combined.

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6 Tips For Finding the Right Interior Designer For Your Home

Your home may have reflected your style a few years back – but today, not so much. Now you suddenly realize that your puffy sofa looks crammed in your living space, or that flower-ridden wallpaper looks a tad on the tacky side.

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6 Signs Your Windows Need Replacement

No matter how new your home is, issues with your windows can creep up at any time. And at some point, they’ll need to be completely replaced. While high-quality, properly-maintained windows can last for as long as 20 years, they don’t last forever. Pay attention to them: they’ll show specific signs that it’s time to swap them for brand new ones.

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Adverse Possession in California: How a Trespasser Can Take Part of Your Property

As a homeowner, you have the right to keep trespassers off your property. You likely wouldn’t allow complete strangers let their kids play on your lawn or use your amenities for their own amusement without your permission.

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